IDXCarbon is the first official carbon exchange in Indonesia. IDXCarbon is registered and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Currently, carbon unit that can be traded on IDXCarbon is PTBAE-PU (allowance) and SPE-GRK (carbon offset). IDXCarbon is run by the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
GRK is the abbreviation of Gas Rumah Kaca or Greenhouse Gas (GHG), which refers to certain gases generated by human activities and currently accelerates global warming. Other than CO2, other gases that also classified as GHG are: sulfur dioxyde (SO2), nitrogen monoxyde (NO), nitrogen dioxyde (NO2), methane (CH4), and chlorofluorocarbon (CFC). GHG measurement standard is tonne CO2 equivalent (tCO2e).
PTBAE-PU (Persetujuan Teknis Batas Atas Emisi - Pelaku Usaha) or Technical Approval of Emission Quota for Companies is the official permit of GHG emission quota for a certain period issued by related Ministry for companies classified as Compliance Company.
SPE-GRK (Sertifikat Pengurangan Emisi - Gas Rumah Kaca) or Reduction Certificate of GHG is a certificate of emission reduction from verified climate mitigation action and registered on Sistem Registri Nasional (SRN PPI) or National Registry System for Climate Change.
On IDX Carbon, buyer and seller may do trade on certain carbon unit using 4 offered mechanism:
- Auction
- Regular Continuous Auction (Spot Trading
- Negotiated Market
- Marketplacee
1. The First Official Carbon Exchange in Indonesia
IDX Carbon is the first official carbon exchange in Indonesia with operational permit granted by OJK. IDX Carbon operation is run by the Indonesia Stock Exchange, the sole provider of the Securities Exchange in Indonesia since 1992 with the largest market capitalization in ASEAN. Currently, there are more than 850 companies listed on IDX.
2. Connected to Sistem Registri Nasional (SRN-PPI)
IDX Carbon is connected to SRN-PPI which is operated by Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) or Ministry of Environment and Forestry to ensure smooth tranfer of carbon unit.
3. Ease of Access
IDX Carbon develops a carbon unit trading system based on blockchain technology and is committed to providing convenience in transactions, namely:
- Users can directly doing transaction on the Carbon Exchange.
- Instant settlement.
- Transparency in trading carbon units
Companies who are obliged to or committed to reduce GHG emission.
IDXCarbon classifies the users into 3 categories:
- Compliance Company - Company who allocated PTBAE-PU or Technical Approval of Emission Quota according to related Ministry regulation.
- Non Compliance Company - Company with commitment to offsett their GHG emission from their business activity.
- Project Developer/Project Proponent - Owner and/or developer of climate action mitigation project who is going to sell carbon unit (SPE-GRK) through IDX Carbon.
Please fill out Carbon Exchange Service User Registration Form or send email inquiry to for more information.
For company who is a subject to Emission Quota (Batas Atas Emisi - BAE) set by the related Ministry, carbon unit may be purchased to comply with the regulation.
For company who is committed to reduce GHG emission, carbon unit may offset their GHG emission and allow the company to make such claim on company reports.
To be traded on the IDX Carbon, carbon unit must be registered on SRN-PPI and has form of PTBAE-PU or SPE-GRK.
Carbon unit owner that has been registered as IDX Carbon User can list their unit through:
- PTBAE-PU via link: Form Pendaftaran PTBAE-PU
- SPE-GRK via link: Form Pendaftaran SPE-GRK
SPE-GRK on the IDX Carbon is traded continuously based on a certain standard of SPE-GRK classification (standardized product). The classification represents a collection of carbon credits from various projects that meet certain characteristic. For example, grouping based on Nature-based Solution (NBS) or Tech-based Solution (TBS).
More information on this classification may be found in this link Standardized Product
Surrender process is when a company relinquish its possession of PTBAE-PU to the related ministry as part of regulatory compliance. Surrender process is cannot be done through IDX Carbon.
Retirement process is when a company relinquish its possession of SPE-GRK to make carbon offset claim. Retirement process can be done through IDX Carbon.
IDX Carbon users may request for retirement of the SPE-GRK in possession. A retired carbon unit can be used for GHG offset claim.